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How to Recognize Decreasing Tire Tread Depth in Puyallup

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How to Recognize Decreasing Tire Tread Depth in Puyallup

It’s essential your car has sufficient tire tread depth. Worn and nearly nonexistent treads can adversely impact control, handling, and ultimately road safety. Puyallup car owners should be able to notice when the treads are beyond worn and get their vehicle to a Puyallup auto center for replacements.

Examine the Tire Wear Indicator

The indicator differs slightly between tire brands. Most brands use colored indicator bars. Once the treads are flush with these marks, then it’s time for a tire replacement. The bars will also show you whether the treads are wearing evenly, or if the wear is more pronounced on one side. The latter is an indication of tire imbalance or misalignment.

Exposed Cords

There are metallic cords beneath the rubber. Once the treads are fully worn out, parts of the cord may become visible. Even if just a small portion of the cords is exposed, the tire is no longer safe and needs to be replaced.


Chunking occurs when an entire portion of tread is missing or separated, while the rest of the treads remain intact. This isn’t too common and is an issue that typically occurs with frequent off-road driving.

Penny Test

This is an old yet reliable test that’s applicable even in modern tires. This DIY test is simple. Take a penny and insert it upside down in the tire grooves. If you can insert the penny deep enough past the point of Old Abe’s hair, then there’s ample tread depth. If not, then there’s insufficient tread.

We Test for Tire Tread Depth in Puyallup

Schedule your next maintenance at Sea Tac Tire and Auto Tech. This includes a close examination of the tire tread depth. If excessively worn, we’ll recommend a replacement. We carry tires from the most recognized and reputable manufacturers for both residential and fleet vehicles.

Tire Tread Depth Examination and More

Serving Puyallup, Graham, Orting, and Bonney Lake

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