Tires & Auto Repair in Puyallup, WA

Did you know that Golf Month is coming up? At Sea Tac Tire & Auto Tech, we thought you might be interested in a few factoids about golf that you may or may not have known…

  • The regulation golf ball has 336 tiny dimples.
  • Until 1848 or so, golf balls were made of thin leather, stitched and stuffed tightly with feathers.
  • 20-some years ago 4.1 million women played golf; today, well over six million women play.
  • The youngest winner of the PGA Championship was 20-year-old Gene Sarazen in 1922; the oldest, Julius Boros, who won in 1968 at the age of 48.
  • The youngest golfer to shoot a hole-in-one was Coby Orr; the five-year-old achieved the rare feat in 1975.
  • The most holes-in-one in a career goes to Harry Lee Bonner, with a grand total of 68 from 1967 to ’85.
  • The longest hole-in-one ever recorded goes to Robert Mitera; on October 7, 1965, he holed at 447 yards, with the help of a 50 mph wind gust.
  • The chances of two holes-in-one in the same round of golf are one in 67 million.
  • Scott Palmer racked up the record holes-in-one in one year, with 28 of them in 1983.
  • The first recorded hole-in-one was achieved by Tom Morris at the Open Championship in Scotland, way back in 1868.
  • The first-ever game of golf on record was in 1457, at St. Andrews in Scotland.
  • The first-ever reference to golf in the United States dates back to 1659, when the game was formally banned in Albany, New York.
  • At the age of 64, Mike Austin broke the record for the longest drive in a competition, whacking the ball for 515 yards.
  • The first-ever televised golfing event was the 1947 U.S. Open in St. Louis.
  • In 1971, Alan Shepard became the first (and only) golfer on the moon, when he sneaked a club and balls onto the lunar surface for the Apollo 14 mission.
  • In 2016, golf will be featured as an Olympic event in Rio de Janiero…for the first time in 112 years.

Whether you’re passionate about golf or just enjoy watching it on TV, we thought you might find this checklist of golf trivia fun and enlightening! If you’re heading to the golf course, why not come by Sea Tac Tire & Auto Tech and let us go over your vehicle? 

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